“Enraizando Nueva Vida” (Rooting New Life)
Autor: Arturo Humberto Echeverría Díaz de León
¡Hola amigos! Esta obra está inspirada en una pequeña parte del profundo amor que tengo a mis hijos...
...un amor que comienza desde la consciente concepción de cada uno de ellos...
...por eso se titula “Enraizando Nueva Vida”.
Para mí la labor de los padres no es solo engendrar biológicamente sino también ser un semillero de cariño y ejemplo...
...es un lazo que va más allá de lo físico y traspasa fronteras para unirnos espiritualmente a los padres e hijos.
La obra está tallada en jade verde-azul “tipo olmeca” y adularia (piedra luna), el verde del jade busca trasmitir vida y representa a los padres, la piedra luna representa nueva vida y la pureza de los hijos acompañada de identidad propia como los únicos destellos de la adularia, nos une de manera simbólica un blanco lazo de plata.
Es una obra que refleja parte de mi sensibilidad como padre y profundo amor por mis hijos.
Espero que disfruten esta obra tanto como yo.
La caja esta tallada en madera dura de campinceran con adornos de acero inoxidable forjado.
Dimensiones aproximadas:
Largo: 44mm o 1.73 pulgadas
Ancho: 18mm o 0.7 pulgadas
Espesor: 4.4mm-1.5mm o 0.17 pulgadas-0.06pulgadas
H66 / PWXX%
“Enraizando Nueva Vida " (Rooting New Life)
Author: Arturo Humberto Echeverría Díaz de León
Hello friends! This work is inspired by a small part of the deep love that I have for my children, a love that starts from the conscious conception of each one of them, that is why it is called "Rooting New Life". For me the work of the parents is not only to generate biologically but also to be a hotbed of affection and example, it is a bond that goes beyond the physical and crosses borders to unite spiritually to parents and children.
The work is carved in green-blue jade "Olmec type" and adularia (moonstone), the green of jade seeks to convey life and represents the parents, the moonstone represents new life and the purity of the children accompanied by their own identity as the only glimmerings of the adularia, unites us symbolically a white silver bow.
Author: Arturo Humberto Echeverría Díaz de León
Hello friends! This work is inspired by a small part of the deep love that I have for my children, a love that starts from the conscious conception of each one of them, that is why it is called "Rooting New Life". For me the work of the parents is not only to generate biologically but also to be a hotbed of affection and example, it is a bond that goes beyond the physical and crosses borders to unite spiritually to parents and children.
The work is carved in green-blue jade "Olmec type" and adularia (moonstone), the green of jade seeks to convey life and represents the parents, the moonstone represents new life and the purity of the children accompanied by their own identity as the only glimmerings of the adularia, unites us symbolically a white silver bow.
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